We climbed another mountain on Sunday. This time it was the turn of Glyder Fach; second highest of the Glyderau, second to Glyder Fawr. That was just next door, but we descended once we reached the top of Fach. The wat up was exhausting, as the Glyderau are rather rocky, and it was steeper than sections on Snowdon and Cadair Idris. We eventually reached a flattish area near the top which was very boggy and filled with sinkholes! One last rocky climb over giant rocks got us to the top. However to get to the actual summit, a massive rock pile needed to be climbed. Eventually I made it up, but one of the others had to leave my D40 on a rock near the bottom to climb up! After sliding down rocks and stepping over deep gaps in this big pile, we could turn our attention to leaving. Before we left, I attempted to take a group photo, but couldn’t find a person to take one, so tried putting the timer on. Unfortunately the rock I put the camera on was not that flat, so it missed most of ourselves off it!

On the way down, we followed what I thought was a path, until half way down a treacherous and steep rocky descent when we stop to let the girls catch up (catch down?) with us, I took a look at the map that had been in my bag. Horror struck my face. I realised it was not a path that we had followed, but a boundary between some local authorities! After carefully negotiating our way down this near vertical side of the mountain using sheep paths and small areas of grass, we made it to a “cwm”, which we walked down. We followed a boggy riverbed to an actual river, and then followed that to the car.
Unfortunately, while we made it down with only immense aches and pains, a couple saw me flaunting a map before the descent and decided to follow us! They had no idea we had gone completely the wrong way and blindly followed us. Along one of the more hairy sections, where the only places to put your feet was a wet stone or grass, we saw the woman break down and burst into tears! Not good times.
This wasn’t the only problem. The boggy area evidently becomes a dangerous torrent in times of heavy rain. Not that there was any water, but the deep, concealed holes it had scoured out remained, and there was an instance of someone falling in a particularly deep one, jarring their leg! I managed to slip off a rock and, while not falling over, I jarred my back in a way that putting too much weight on it caused shooting pain up my spine.

Despite these hazards, the lower part was the worse as it was thick with mountain bracken which scratches your legs. In this area though we came across a waterfall, which we used to refill our water bottles, and/or wet ourselves in! However I had used non waterproof sun lotion, so it worked itself into a soapy mixture which was pure white. Not good!
The rock descent really took it’s toll on me; my legs are torn to ribbons in the number of deep cuts present! Combined with the sunburn they received followed by the minor scratches from the bracken, and they are sore all over. At least I’m not limping like the others!
After this was over, we retreated to the Saracens Head hotel in Beddgelert for a pub dinner and a pint. I myself had a Welsh Beef stake and chips, and a pint of Bulmers Pear Cider in the absence of the normal stuff. Well deserved after that climb!
Now, enjoy a 720p HD video of the entire ordeal! The D5000 seems to be alright with the quality of these things, just need to use a tripod! Or as orudge suggests, Steadicam!
One reply on “Mountain: Glyder Fach”
[…] seconds of pedalling, my legs felt dead. When was the last time I did anything physical? Oh snap, it was back then. I’d really only been able to climb those three mountains because I used to run up the stairs […]