Everything and Anything

Random Stuff

I finally got San Andreas for the PC. Now I can poke around with mods! Not that nasty Hot coffee stuff though.

Anywho, I have been doing lots of graphical work, and revisited my “bank station” making some progress by enclosing the entire station. The plan is to have it a whole building, and keep the whole station inside. The ends will have a PBS operated Gate.

Everything and Anything


Our car was burgled. We went to Southport (no suprise the scousers got it then) but when we got back, the door handle was smashed and the radio gone. Luckily my MP3 Player (which was in the glove box) is still around.

IT was overall a fun day, with a few rollercoasters, vintage rides and dinner at Yates’. (Daniel had a McDonalds as well!)

Everything and Anything

MP3 Player

Woo I now have a Creative Zen Micro. Its cool. Its even got radio! A lot better than my old 256MB one which was baically a basic wlakman atttached to a flash drive.

Everything and Anything


Woo! I drove for the first time ever, and quite perfectly too. The guy even said. Now I know you think “he was controlling it” but he wasn’t. There was no second steering wheel and I could feel whenever he pressed his pedals. It were so cool. I got up to gear 4 and 30mph with no problems and navigated a corner. It was soo cool. Oh look. now Im chuffed. woo me.